[vacancy] Vacancy at Highway Project for Engineers

Our company looking The Candidate to fill our vacancy positions in our site/project.

Residence Engineer (RE)
Highway Engineer (HE)
Structure Engineer (SE)
Quantity Engineer (QE)
Chief Inspector Engineer (CIE)
Visiting Specialist (VS)
ME Engineer (ME)
Environmental Specialist (ENS)
Project Control Engineer (PCE)

Min. D3 in Civil/Mechanical/Electrical Engineering
Experience in Highway
For Engineering Min. 10 years experience
For Specialist Min. 8 years experience
Good literate computer
Fluent in English
Can work under pressure and able to work individual and team work
Will allocated at Outside Java

Please put the positions code on the upper left of envelope or in the email subject
If you meet the above requirements please send us your resume with application letter & photograph by mail within two weeks after this advertisement to the following address:

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Karir Sukabumi