[vacancy] WANTED: Temporary Accounts Staff (Singapore)

*Temporary Accounts Staff *(Yishun - Singapore)


- Handle full set of accounts including Accounts Receivable, Accounts
Payable and General Ledger.
- Assist in preparation of monthly financial reports.
- Other ad hoc duties as assigned.


- AVAILABILITY: 13th August to 13th September, 2008.
- Possess Diploma in Accountancy or equivalent.
- Minimum 2 years of relevant experience.
- Possess initiative and good inter-relationship skills.
- Team player, as well as, able to work independently with focus on work
goals and objectives.
- Available for *contract or part-time employment* only (1 month).
- Flexible work hours will be considered.

Interested applicants may submit their resumes to *RECRUIT@BRIDEX.com.sg*.
Please submit in Word format and include a *recent colored photo*, *current
& expected salary*, and the *soonest availability date*.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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