Age 28 - 35 years old,
Min S1 of any major.
Having knowledge of Export Import,
Understand legal matter of Tin/lead business,
Excellent command of English, both spoken and written.
Min 3 years handling legal matter, making business agreement especially for Tin business and have good realtionship with government.
Start working : October 2008.
Job Description
-         Aproach Government and get information about tin business regulation
-         Apply licenses for business activity to government related, also local government in Bangka
-         Make business agreement especiallty agreement of Tin Business
-         Once a week go to Bangka Island for checking the operation and report to Japan (Headquarter)
Please send the application letter and CV (max 300 kb) to widi@toyotatsusho.co.id, not later than august 30, 2008.
Please do not apply if you dont have the requirements, only short list candidate will be notified.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

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Karir Sukabumi