Dear Bapak/Ibu dan teman2 semua,

Di bawah ini adalah informasi mengenai lowongan sebagai Country Representative di WPF Indonesia.  Mungkin ada Bapak/Ibu atau teman2 yang berminat.  Mohon juga bantuannya untuk menyebarluaskan ya....  Terima kasih banyak sebelumnya.

Wati Darwisyah


World Population Foundation  (WPF) seeks a dynamic, committed  individual 
to  lead  its Indonesia 
programme.  This  position 
is  based  in 
Jakarta,  Indonesia.  In  the  third 
and fourth week of February 2009 interviews
with shortlisted candidates will take place. The new appointee  is expected 
to commence duties on 1 July 2009, 
for an  initial one-year period.

organisation: WPF, a Dutch NGO, promotes
reproductive health and reproductive rights in developing countries. WPF
implements programmes in Asia and Africa. We are a 
small,  but  rapidly 
evolving  organisation.  WPF 
believes  in  a non-hierarchical  and transparent team approach in its work and
decision-making. Our overseas programmes are exciting and innovative, and
individuals joining our team will further shape the global programme direction.

Indonesia programme: Since 2005 WPF has a field
office in Indonesia and put in place 
a  team  to manage 
and  expand  its 
portfolio.  The  team 
currently  consists  of  8 national staff and a Country
Representative. The Country Representative 
is ultimately accountable 
for  all  programme 
operations,  quality  of 
technical  work,  and 
resources allocated 
to  the  Indonesia 
office.  The Country Programme's  overall 
goal  is  to 
ensure reproductive  rights 
and  reproductive  health 
for  all  with 
special  emphasis  to 
children, young people and (sexually) abused girls
and women. WPF aims to reach that goal by providing 
technical assistance  in  the 
field of sexual and  reproductive
health and  rights and strengthening institutional development
of Indonesian NGOs and institutions.  

position: You will be responsible for  leading, strategizing, and guiding all aspects of 
the  Indonesia  programme, 
from  country  strategic 
plan  refinement  to 
project development 
to  program  implementation  and 
evaluation.  We  are 
looking  for  an individual 
with  five  to 
seven  years'  experience 
with  developing  and 
managing reproductive  and 
sexual  health  programmes, 
preferably  in South-East
Asian  settings.

will  have  a 
Masters'  degree  in 
Public  Health  or 
a  relevant  field 
and  a  strong technical knowledge  in 
reproductive health and a 
reproductive  rights approach  in your work. Demonstrated fundraising experience
is a preference will be highly regarded.

You will 
be  an  experienced 
team  player  and manager, with  proven 
leadership,  team building verbal and written communication,
networking and interpersonal skills. You are a problem solver,  flexible, pragmatic, and patient. You have a
good sense of humour. You must be sensitive to gender issues and
cross-cultural settings. 

interested  in applying  for 
the position are  requested  to send a cover  letter stating 
why  they  are 
interested  in  the 
position,  a  detailed 
CV,  names  and 
contact information of three referees to: 

Mr. Gert Jan Geertsema
World Population Foundation

Vinkenburgstraat 2 A  3512 AB Utrecht 

The Netherlands 

Tel: +31 (0)30 23 93 888office@wpf. org

WPF offers a salary and benefits package
comparable with other European NGOs. The closing date  for applications  is Friday 6 February 2009. Short-listed
applicants will be invited for an interview in the third and
fourth week of February 2009. We regret that we are 
not  able  to 
respond  to  every 
application  and  individuals 
who  do  not 
receive  a response within this timeframe should
assume that they were not short-listed.

information about WPF  in general
and  this employment opportunity, can be found at our website:


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Karir Sukabumi