[vacancy] Requirement for Quant Programmer Role

Dear Techies

We have an immediate opening for Quant Programmer Role

Job Rele : Quant Programmer Role


1. Strong Programming skills are a pre-requisite for this role.
2. Experience in C/C++, Java, .NET is essential. Knowledge of MATLAB would be an advantage.
3. Strong academic background in a quantitative field from a good university is preferred.
4. The role involves working with the team of quant traders to develop programs for algorithmic trading and quantitative strategies, which rely on cutting edge technology and recent advances in mathematical finance.
5. Attention to detail and precision in work habits would be necessary to succeed in this role.

Please forward your resume in MS Word to jobs@amarconsultancy.com.sg
- Current & expected salary
- status in Singapore
- Availability.

With best wishes
HR Team
Amarsons Consultancy

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Karir Sukabumi