[This announcement is also available at www.labmath-
LabMath-Indonesia is an independent research institute. We work
together with various universities in Indonesia and abroad. This is
shown in our activities:
We regularly organize so-called Research Work Shops where students
(S1,S2 and S3) and staff from universities, governmental institutions
and companies, are introduced into a specific topic. After one week of
courses and small assignments, the second week is dedicated to execute
more extensive projects that usually are closely related to current
research. As an example, in the past year we organized RWS on Tsunami
Modelling and Simulations (January 2009), Financial Engineering
(August 2008) and Integrated Water Resource Management (Jan 2008).
Our research activities are supported by external sources:
international research projects, projects from large , and from
In the coming years we want to focus our activities to problems from
nature and environmental sciences. Especially about problems that are
of direct relevance for Indonesia: effects of Climate Change on the
coastal area (high waves, endangering the coast and ships and offshore
structures) and on the (rain) water availability for agriculture and
human consumption.
This year we have national and international symposia on these topics.
For the preparation of new research contributions, and for the
running research projects, we can use the help of good students and
While working with you on interesting topics, you are developing your
skills; besides that, if needed, we support you to improve your
English. If you want, we can advise about studying abroad. (For
instance, LMI hosts the Info & Support Office of the University of
Below we indicate some topics for which we look for your interest to
contribute to our research.
Almost half of the rain falling on the ground is evaporated or
transpirated by plants. BMKG, the Indonesian Institute for
Meteorology, Climate and GeoScience, wants to be able to predict the
ET. For that aim we want to make a model based on rainfall, soil
properties, and weather conditions, in particular the wind. We will
use satellite data to improve the predictive models that we make.
Two students from the university of Twente visiting LMI will also work
on this topic, so that a close collaboration can lead to substantial
results in a recently granted KNAW-mobility Project.
We want to use new codes that have been developed at LMI to simulate
waves in a harbour to predict the maximal wave heights and investigate
undesired resonant motions. A realistic Indonesian harbour is taken
as test case. This project is in collaboration with UGM.
Climate change will lead to stronger winds and therefore to higher
waves. Wave prediction in the coastal area is important for coastal
safety measures. This project is aimed to contribute to the
development of a complete simulation environment for coastal waves.
We have various problems that are directly or indirectly related to
ship design and safety of sea transport.
The internships are executed at LabMath-Indonesia, Jl. Anatomi 19,
Bandung. Including a one-month probation period, the positions are for
a period of 3 months with the possibility of prolongation. During the
execution you will get valuable experience in mathematical modelling
and will work in a stimulating environment. The monthly allowance
will depend on qualifications and performance.
The internships are planned to start not later than 1 May 2009.
Candidates should be eager to be involved in this research and learn
many new topics and ideas. They should have good knowledge of
calculus/ analysis including ordinary and partial differential
equations, and be experienced in programming, for instance in Matlab.
Students or graduates with good grades in S1 or S2 from mathematics,
physics, oceanography, geosciences, engineering etc can profit very
much from this research experience. A sound scientific attitude
(critical, inventive and independent) should be accompanied by a
strong motivation and disciplined work attitude.
Candidates should send an updated CV, a copy of last degree and
academic record, proof of English proficiency and letter of motivation
before 15 April 2009 by email to:
Dr. A. Sopaheluwakan e-mail: ardhasena[at]
cc to Prof. Brenny van Groesen, e-mail:
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