[vacancy] Vacancy Junior Programming

PT. Praweda Ciptakarsa Informatika

Praweda as Integrated Information System Solution Provider representing Soedarpo Informatika Group endeavour in deploying the application of Information Technology for the benefit of mankind since 1958. The Group exists in almost all aspects of Information Technology for more than 4 decades.

Praweda line of business includes system integration, hardware services, software application development, Networking and Telecommunication, Internet and Web Services, Software Re-engineering, Business and Technology consulting including training, education and outsourcing for enterprises.

Our solutions are supported with our group, Soedarpo Informatika through partnership with the best name in the Industry like IBM, CISCO, Microsoft Compaq, Unisys, Data General, Decision Data, Intergraph, Ascom Timeplex, Legent, information Builders, Dun & Bradstreet, GFC Partners Ltd./BSA, EDSA, Sembawang, GMT and SATYAM.


We are seeking for qualified candidates to joint our strong team in the following positions:


Junior Programming

  • Minimum S1
  • Understanding Delphi 7 and/or Ms. DotNet
  • Understanding ASP .Net and Asp Classic
  • Experience MS SQL 2005
  • Have ability on three tier analysis and design
  • Have in depth knowledge of OOP and development cycle
  • Familiar with Windows Operating System
  • Good team worker as well as independent worker
  • Must be self motivated and have strong analytical skills
  • Be able to communicate in english, both spoken and written
  • Able to work in under pressure environment and dealing with multi-task jobs
  • Able to work with deadline & discipline
  • Have no hesitation in travelling local or overseas
  • Jakarta Based
  • Not more than 30 years old

If your qualifications meet our requirement please please send application letter, cv, recent photograph to:

Email to kris@praweda.co.id  and yusuf@praweda.co.id


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Karir Sukabumi