Dear All, Ijen Resort & Villas is the new and first luxury villas in the spectacularly scenic area. Perched at the edge of the rainforest of Ijen National Park and overlooking terraced rice fields to a row of volcanoes, each of ijen Resort's rooms boasts superb views from their spacious bed rooms and balconies. Four hectares of beautiful garden and 360 degrees panoramic vistas of volcanoes, rainforest, terraced rice fields and view of Bali Strait, make Ijen Resort & Villas itself a tourist destination. Located at 643 meter above sea level, the Resort offers a comfortable base for travelers to enjoy unspoiled beauty of the rural East Java. Ijen Resort & Villas, currently is looking for Executive Assistant Manager (EAM) with the qualifications: • At least 2 years' experience in a hotel general management capacity. • Previuos experience managing star rated property, preferably 5* properties. • Degree or Diploma in Hotel Management. • Proven track record of achievements in the hospitality industry. • Strong interpersonal & communication skills. • Fluency in English. • Medium level in French or German are a plus. • Strong organizational & leadership skills. • Flexibility to adapt to different situations and environments. • Must be willing to relocate in a new remote tourist destination in Banyuwangi Candidates who believe they correspond the present role specifications are invited to apply to : Alfa Arian Tour - Jl. Penyu Dewata No. 3 Padang Galak Sanur, or at ijenresort@ijendisc For more information, please visit : www.ijendiscovery. |
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