[vacancy] "Job Opportunities (Pipelines)"

Below is the requirement as requested by Oil & Gas Engineering and Pipeline Design companies based in KL ,Malaysia.

a) Pipeline Designers ( Junior and senior positions ) -- subsea / offshore
b) Pipeline Design Engineers ( Junior and senior positions ) -- subsea / offshore
c) Draftmen/Draftwomen ( Junior and senior positions ) -- pipeline (subsea/offshore)

Experience : Junior ( 2 yrs to 5 yrs )
Senior ( 6 yrs to 20 yrs )
Qualification : Drafters and Designers ---High school/college and drafting/design skills
Design Engineers --- Degree in any Engineering and design skills.

The above is for new projects for subsea pipeline and subsea facilities.
If you are interested kindly submit your latest CV.Appreciate if you can inform your friends/contacts who might be interested to apply. CV,photo,contact number and email address to;

anuarosly50@gmail.com ,hrcareion@gmail.com,manpower@careion.com

Kindly answer the following questions and reforward back together with latest
a) Availability : Yes or No
b) Availability date :
c) Notice period :
d) Current salary per month : RM , USD
e) Expected salary per month : RM ,USD
f) Other package requested :
g) Agree to work under contract with manpower agency ( Care Ion ) : Yes or No

The above positions are urgently needed,therefore pls submit your CVs and details
soonest possible.

Your cooperation on the above is highly appreciated.

Thank you & Warm Regards,

65,Jalan Tabla 33/21,Shah Alam Technology Park,
40400 Shah Alam,Selangor,Malaysia.
Tel : 603-51226616 Fax: 603-51211616
Email: anuarosly50@gmail.com

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Karir Sukabumi