[vacancy] Vacancy on PT SPV for STM D3 and S1 Graduate


PT. SPV ( South Pacific Viscose),

 Multinational Company urgently needed several position 

  • Electricians, Min STM-Eletric, 3-5 years experience, having electrical knowledge in process plant equipment (Motor AC/DC, converter, switch gear, etc.


  • Maintenance Supervisors, Min S1-Mechanical Engineer, 3-5 years experienced, having mechancial knowledge in process plant equiment (Pump, Blower, Heat Exchanger, Boiler, Turbine etc.


  • Mechanics, Min STM-Mechanical, 3-5 year experience in process plant equipment. Can do of dismantling and assembly the pums, blowers, boiler, heat exchanger, turbine, piping, etc

Note : Please state your current salary and expected salary

If you meet the requirement please send your complete CV to


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Karir Sukabumi