[vacancy] Graphic Designer, Fashion Designer, PPIC Staff, & Marketing Support


Graphic Designer
a) Male / Female
b) Age max.30 years old
c) min.D3 Graphic Designer
d) Expert in Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, and other CS3 design platform.
e) Enable in Flash+Script, HTML
f) Competence in 3D modeling using 3D StudioMax/ MAYA or other 3D modeling application will be a plus point
g) Can work under pressure, Multi tasking.
h) Team Player with high commitment, highly motivated, deadline oriented, can manage time efficiently
i) Prioritizing domicile west jakarta/surrounding.


Marketing Support
* Wanita Max 28 tahun
* Berpenampilan menarik.
* Pendidikan min SMU/D1/D3 segala jurusan
* Pengalaman min 1 tahun dibidang yang sama
* Terbiasa menangani customer
* Mampu mengoperasikan computer (Ms. Word, Ms. Excel, Email)
* Teliti, Cekatan, Mudah Tanggap, dan Bertanggung Jawab
* Lebih diutamakan Domisili Jakarta Barat/Sekitarnya

PPIC Staff
- Wanita, max.28 thn
- min. D3 atau lebih baik lulusan Industri
- Pengalaman min. 1 tahun di bidang yang sama / PPIC
- Mampu mengoperasikan Komputer min.Ms.Office
- Mampu bekerja dibawah tekanan, teliti, Cekatan, Mudah Tanggap, dan Bertanggung Jawab
-Lebih diutamakan berdomisili di Jakarta Barat


Fashion Designer
- Female.
- Maximum age 27 years old.
- Educational background from Fashion School.
- Experince min.1 year in the same position.
- Computer literate.
- Hard worker, smart and outgoing personality.
- Prioritizing domicile west jakarta/surrounding.



Kirim Photo terbaru, lamaran, dan CV ke:
e-mail : cupit.temp@gmail.com
PT. Kenage Intl.
Jl.Asia Baru Raya Blok.T1 no.1A
Duri Kepa - Greenville, Jakarta Barat




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Karir Sukabumi