[vacancy] lowongan executive secretary


Pakuwon Group

A major property developer well-established in Jakarta and Surabaya,

Immediately need outstanding:




Executive Secretary

-         Female

-         D3 or S1 degree with strong background in secretarial field

-         25-35 years old

-         Min 5 years experience

-         Speak English fluently

-         Mature, well organized, resourceful and high initiative

-         Able to work under pressure and long hours

            -    Able to operate computer with quick typing skill and good punctuation

            -    Able to work and communicate clearly with expatriates and foreign     

                  Consultants under minimum supervision


As the requirement is urgent, please send your detailed resume and current photograph stating job title and code as subject of your response to: hrdjkt@pakuwon.com

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Karir Sukabumi