[vacancy] Assistant Manager & Manager Tax Consultant - Vacancy

People with Passion,
People with Heart...
SF Consulting is one of the local qualified and licensed Tax and Business Advisor Firm in Indonesia, with a mission to be the preferred tax and business advisor and a partner for success for the client. Due to business growth, we require highly motivated individuals for the following position:
Assistant Manager & Manager Tax Consultant

Male/Female 30-37 yrs old
Good comand of spoken and written English
Graduated from a reputable university with minimum GPA of 3.00; majoring in Accounting/Finance would be an advantage
6 - 8 years experience. All should have experience in reputable consulting firms.
Most of all, you've go to have heart, you've got to have passion, and you got to want to grow
 Please submit a comprehensive curriculum vitae, including day contact number, current and expected remuneration details and recent photograph, no later than 10 working days after the date of this publication to:
SF Consulting
Menara Karya Lt. 21
Jl. HR. Rasuna Said Blok X-5 Kav. 1-2
Jakarta 12950
 or email to:
We regret that only qualified candidates will be notified

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Karir Sukabumi